Monday, November 15, 2010

Before the birthday....

ARGH, ye scallywags! Surrender the booty and ye might live to walk plank!
Sorry. I got caught up in character. :-) We just celebrated Ella's (aka "Daredevil") 3rd birthday recently and what did she want for her party? Princess? No. My Little Pony? Nu-uh. Surely SOMETHING pink!? Never. My beautiful doll of a child wanted to be a pirate. Yep. Good ol' Jolly Roger. Don't get me wrong...she rocked the hell out of it. (<----can I say hell?) But when a mom thinks about having a baby girl, Captain Hook isn't usually the first thing that comes to mind.

Then again, this child has been anything but typical. She is the polar opposite of her 5yo sister Lily (aka "Diva.") Lily was conceived first month trying, ideal pregnancy, no complications, slept through the night at 4 weeks, giggly happy baby. Ella? It took the Magic Kingdom on Valentine's Day where our family was on vacation during a geographic separation (thanks to the military) in which I only saw my then husband twice a month. Almost a year after continually trying, we had pretty much given up and thought we were just gonna get one. Cue my obstinate lil' Scorpio. I can just hear her now, "I'll come when I'm good and damn ready." Even now, her favorite saying is "NO! I do it myself." If I had a nickel....


  1. That picture is too cool! And, hey, girls can be pirates, too. (The baddest pirate of all time was Ching Shih, a lady who was so good at plundering that all the Chinese government could do was buy her out.)

    Sounds like you got a tomboy on your hands. They rule the world, you know.

  2. ALL KID'S NEED BIRTHDAY PARTY'S its good for them and if I was dad I would dress up like a rabbit or some weird creature. I would definitely go all out for those kidos!!!!!!

  3. LOL!

    Well, Chrisy, all I can say is kids nowadays are not "typical"... at least from the standpoint of our frame of reference. The things these little buggers experience, know, and understand is plain crazy! Sounds like you ventured quite the experience in terms of birthing yours...

  4. Too cute. It will one of those memories that they'll talk about on their future blogs. Who did the cake? It looks yummy!
